I’ve done a bunch of talks over the summer and I’m noting them here, in part because this website is a kind of aide memoire for me. The title slides are above, but the fuller information is below:
‘Do Not Perform This Play’, keynote to Analysing Plays symposium, Royal Holloway (at Goldsmiths, 5 July 2019)
‘When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens: The “disgusting art-theatre project” of Naturalism’ Mapping the Past into the Future: A Celebration of the Work of Jacky Bratton, University of Manchester, Tuesday 10th September 2019
‘Danger! Craftsman at Work: Secrets from the Rattigan Archive’ British Library, 17 September 2019
‘Henrik Ibsen: Maker of Modern Theatre’, National Theatre, 19 September 2019
‘The Strange Success of Naturalist Theatre’, Bedford School, 23 September 2019