the very book in my very hands
I can't begin to imagine how excited you will be to hear the news that I have a new article out. 'Two: Duologues and the Differend' is a chapter in a new collection, Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre, edited by Mireia Aragay and Enric Monforte of the University of Barcelona, two of the very loveliest people I have ever met in academia.
The collection brings together various people looking at ethical debates and dimensions in contemporary British theatre. My piece looks at the prevalence of the 'duologue' or 'two-hander' in contemporary playwriting and offers some thoughts about how it might be interpreted. The argument also looks at Jean-François Lyotard's notion of the 'different' which occurs when there is an incommensurable dispute between two parties who share no common language game in which to resolve the dispute. I suggest that this does and doesn't explain the vogue for the duologue and offer an alternative account.