I'm giving a paper at Quorum, the post-graduate seminar series at Queen Mary, University of London. It's entitled 'Is the Theatre a Zombie?' I gave a much earlier (and briefer) version of that paper at TaPRA last September, but this is a significant development of that material. The way this one has turned out, I'm talking a great deal about neuroscience, trying to offer a dose of scepticism about some of its wilder claims. I rehearse the clash between physicalists and anti-physicalists in philosophy and connect it to Naturalism via what is called 'the zombie problem'. I'm always impressed when I meet Queen Mary postgraduates so it'll be an exciting, challenging opportunity to rehearse some of the ideas I've been developing over the last year.
12 February, 5.30pm, RR1, Arts1, Mile End Campus, QMUL. Maybe see you there.