'Doing the Impossible: Katie Mitchell in Conversation with Dan Rebellato.' Theatre and Adaptation: Return, Rewrite, Repeat. Ed. Margherita Laera. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. 213-226.
This is an interview I conducted with Katie Mitchell at the Royal Court in July 2013 together with some follow-up questions I sent by email. I wrote the whole thing up, which then got edited, and then rewritten by Katie. Nonetheless, I think it offers some very interesting insights into her process. The book is a series of interviews with theatre-makers, talking about adaptation in theatre and I was keen to discuss how Katie walks the no man's land between production and adaptation.
We ranged across a lot of her work in this century, from A Dream Play (2005) to Night Train (2012). As always, I was struck by the fierce intelligence, political intensity and uncompromising seriousness with which she approaches her work and I think that comes over well in this interview.